Monday, 1 July 2013

Picture Book Linky Party #2

Well it is finally summa summa summertime and I spent my first weekend off sleeping in a ridiculous amount.

I awoke long enough to join up with the second week of First Grade and Fabulous' fantastic linky party, Picture Book Linky Party!

This week, it is all about picture books for teaching math concepts. I love to use picture books, and definitely love to incorporate them into all subjects. I am also always looking for new picture books, so I am looking forward to seeing what other books people have on their lists of noteworthy titles on the subject of math (that sentence seemed way too wordy - it must be my Summer brain kicking in!).

So, onto my list:

#1 The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns

I was first introduced to this book by my math professor and university and think it is so fantastic and fun for teaching shapes.

#2 How Big is a Foot? by Rolf Myller

Another cute book that sets the stage for a fun measurement activity.

#3 How Much is a Million? by David M. Schwartz

This one is fun to help students visualize and (attempt to) understand large numbers.

#4 Math Curse by Jon Scieszka

I'll leave off with Math Curse - a fun, math-filled story for older kids.

Can't wait to see what titles made it onto everyone else's lists!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I noticed your blog signature wasn't sending people back to your blog. I have an alternative code that may work for you. Email me
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

    1. Thanks for letting me know about the signature Paula. That's happened to me before, but I just tested it again and it seems to be working now, not sure what I did before - I definitely need some more practice with all this tech stuff!

  2. I've heard a lot about The Greedy Triangle I'll have to order it for next school year! I also need to pick up a copy of Math Curse, is that the same of author of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs?


  3. Thanks for stopping by Gracie! Math Curse is written by the same author as The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. He also has a similar one called Science Verse.

  4. Great choices!! Thanks so much for linking up!! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous
