Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Summer Vacation . . . I'm almost there!

So, how's your summer vacation? I ask that because it feels like everyone is on break already . . . except my district! It's close though, so close I can taste it!

Even though I 'm not on break, I'm still already thinking about September, so I've been planning and creating. Do teachers ever really take a break and relax?

I've got a few new decor packs ready . . .

. . . and I've got a freebie to share!

Get a head start on organizing your classroom library with this free set of large A-Z leveled library labels. Print them out on card stock and laminate or print onto sticker printing paper and organize away.

The labels come two per page and are approximately four and a half inches in diameter. I'm hoping to make some smaller ones soon to accommodate different sized bins and buckets. Click {HERE} or the above picture to check out the freebie.

Speaking of classroom libraries, I think I could spend hours on Pinterest pinning away amazing classroom libraries. Here are some of the ones I'm loving lately . . .

Via Kinder-Craze

This amazing library from Maria over at Kinder-Craze is so bright and colourful . . . who wouldn't want to read there?

Via Krazee 4 Kindergarten
I love all the primary colors in this library - perfect for Kindergarten.

Via Keen on Kindergarten

I love the alphabet mat, I just have one question - how is it kept so clean?!

I'm sure I could go on forever. If you ever decide on a classroom decor scheme, DO NOT go back searching on Pinterest - you will change your mind a million times!

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Brain Breaks for 2nd & 3rd Grade

I'm back . . . with more brain break videos! This time, I've chosen ten videos that would be best suitable for 2nd & 3rd grade.

I don't know about you, but I know that even though students seem to have a few favorite videos, I also like to switch it up from time to time. These videos are meant to get students up and moving. The last thing I want is a brain break video that the students find boring . . . and these videos are definitely not boring!

1. Koo Koo Kanga Roo: What's That You Say?

**All vídeos via YouTube**

I had to start it off with some Koo Koo Kanga Roo. Watching the students try out all the different dance moves is hilarious!

2. Just Dance Kids 2: Despicable Me

3. Just Dance Kids 2014: I Like to Move it

4. Just Dance Kids 2014: A Pirate You Shall Be

If your students love pirates, they'll enjoy getting to pretend to dance and act like one!

5. Just Dance 2014: Prince Ali

Students will enjoy picking which of the 4 characters to follow.

6. Just Dance Disney: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Students will get a kick out of singing along!

7. Just Dance Disney: Be Our Guest

Who can resist sitting along to a Disney song?

8. Just Dance Kids 2: Jump Up

Great mix of slow and fast movements.

9. Just Dance Disney Party: Bare Necessities

C'mon, this tune is just too catchy not to include!

10. Just Dance Kids 2: Lollipop

So fun!

Happy *almost* weekend!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

A Little Wednesday Inspiration

As the school year winds down, and the school days seem extra long, I think it's time for a little pick-me-up.

Have you ever heard of Taylor Mali, the former teacher turned poet? I was first introduced to him through a professor at university who showed our class the following video (I guess to inspire exhausted education students!) and was lucky enough to see him live at a Pro-D event put on by the district a few years ago.

His poems are awesome, inspiring and get to the heart of teaching. On the days you go home exhausted and ready to pull out your hair, remember how important your "job" is and that you make such a difference in the lives of so many.

I hope you're inspired enough to sail through the end of the school year and reach that glorious break - even difference-makers need a little vacation!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Let's Talk About Books (Again)!

I'm back again to link up with Deanna over at Mrs. Jump's Class, but it is going to be quick because I am more than exhausted. My eyelids are getting heavy just writing this . . . is it summer vacation yet?

I'm sure I've talked about this book before, as well as Peter H. Reynolds' other books, but anywhoo, I'm still going to mention it this week: The Dot:

Via Amazon

This book is a sweet tale about Vashti, a girl who thinks she cannot draw. With an encouraging art teacher, she discovers that not only can she draw, she can create amazing, creative art. Vashti not only learns a great lesson, but takes the time to pass that lesson along!

I love this book as an inspiration to all those reluctant artists in the classroom. How many times have you heard a student say, "I can't draw. It's too hard!"? Students need to learn that they are all artists, they just need a little confidence and a lot of effort.

In addition to the great message passed along in this book, there is also great artwork to be inspired. Use this book at the beginning of the year to remind students that they can draw (and paint etc.) or at the beginning of a great "dot" inspired art lesson.

Via Art Projects for Kids

Via Art Projects for Kids

Via Art Projects for Kids
OK, I think I better go before I fall asleep on my computer!

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Let's Talk About Books! Linky

When I stumbled on a new link-up with Deanna over at Mrs. Jump's Class, I couldn't resist! I love books and can never resist talking about them, so of course I had to link up and share my two cents.

Have your students been singing Pharrell's Happy on repeat? Well not only is it the name of a great song, but it is also the name of a great book.

Via Amazon
Happy by Mies Van Hout not only has amazing artwork, but it allows students to discuss emotions. Each page is simple - it has a fish representing a different emotion - but powerful. There are so many different ways that this book can be used in the classroom and I especially like it to introduce to kids who are having a difficult time reading emotional cues.

Have students use black construction paper and bright pastels to create their own inspired artwork. Not only is it a great art lesson, but students will really need to think about how to represent the emotion they have chosen.

And come on, doesn't that bright title page just make you happy?